National Register Internship Scholarships: Southeastern and Mid-Atlantic US

by Jolie Chaleff on July 03, 2024

The National Register Internship Travel Scholarships provide financial support to students enrolled in psychology doctoral programs to help them physically relocate from the location of their graduate program to their selected predoctoral internship site. 

We are thrilled to have our 2024 recipients relocating across the continent, and look forward to witnessing the widespread impact of their work through APF’s support! Explore below to learn more about our remarkable scholarship recipients who are relocating to Southeastern and Mid-Atlantic United States for their internships.

Southeastern and Mid-Atlantic United States

Dorie-Mae Nicolas (she/her)
Loma Linda University
Internship Site: Bruce W. Carter Veteran Affairs Medical Center Miami VA Healthcare System

“The funding provided by the American Psychological Foundation (APF) will allow me to continue pursuing my passion for clinical psychology while working towards my ultimate goal of becoming a board-certified clinical neuropsychologist, with a specific focus on serving historically marginalized communities. With this support, I am confident I can make a meaningful contribution to the field of clinical psychology and contribute towards creating a more inclusive and accessible mental health care system.”

Maya Hardrick (she/her)
The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Internship Site: Florida State University Multidisciplinary Evaluation and Consulting Center

“The National Register Internship Travel Scholarship has been instrumental in allowing me to pursue my clinical psychology internship without the added financial burden of relocation costs. I am incredibly grateful for the support this scholarship has provided in advancing my career goals.”

Larren Winn (she/her)
Arizona State University
Internship Site: Medical College of Georgia/Charlie Norwood VAMC

“This funding will assist with alleviating financial stress which, in turn, will allow me to focus on learning and becoming an independent psychologist.”

Michael Farrow (he/him)
University of Hartford
Internship Site: Southeast Louisiana Veterans Healthcare System (SLVHCS)

“This funding will aide in allowing me to continue forward with my academic training, and ultimately will aide in acheiving my career goals.”

Jessica Utley (she/her)
Mississippi State University
Internship Site: G.V. (Sonny) Montgomery VA Medical Center

“These funds will be used to help my family relocate to my internship site at the G.V. “Sonny” Montgomery VA Medical Center in Jackson, MS. I hope to remain in the Jackson area for the foreseeable future, where I will have access to the populations I am most interested in working with.”

Karla Rodriguez (she/her)
Nova Southeastern University
Internship Site: Columbia VA Health Care System

“The funding this award provides will help in the transition from Florida to South Carolina where I will have the opportunity to continue developing my clinical skills in helping Veterans with trauma-related disorders.”

Suzanna Donato (she/her)
University of California Los Angeles
Internship Site: The Charleston Consortium Psychology Internship Program

“The financial assistance provided by this award will greatly support my transition to internship, affording me greater financial
stability as I take this exciting next step toward a clinical career.”

Patricia Pedreira Abreu (she/her)
University of Miami
Internship Site: Duke University Medical Center’s Clinical Psychology Doctoral Internship Program

“I am very grateful to receive the National Register Internship Travel Scholarship. This funding will significantly ease the high costs associated with relocating for my clinical training and allow me to fully immerse myself in this important stage of my professional development.”

Laine Butler (she/her)
University of North Carolina Wilmington
Internship Site: University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill’s Counseling & Psychological Services

“As a student who has faced financial difficulties throughout their academic career, I am extremely grateful for this scholarship opportunity to counter the financial stress that accompanies the transition to pre-doctoral training. This funding has provided space for me to focus on my future in a more positive light, unburdened by financial stress. I have no doubt that this scholarship has and will continue to improve the internship experience for countless future Health Service Psychologists.”

Wesley Barnhart (they/he)
Bowling Green State University
Internship Site: Center of Excellence for Eating Disorders, Department of Psychiatry, School of Medicine, The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

“This funding will ease the difficult and expensive transition to internship, allowing for greater footing and connection to the area, program, and cohort mates. This funding will also allow for greater attention to internship onboarding/training and the seamless transition to my final year of graduate training.”

Aaron Engelberg (he/they)
The Chicago School of Professional Psychology – Los Angeles
Internship Site: Mid Atlantic Internship Consortium

“Moving across the country for internship not only fulfills my personal career goals but contributes to my broader impact on previously underserved communities. APF’s ability to assist this process is instrumental in me being to do alone and removes the associated burdens that might interfere with my ability to do my best work, thus allowing me to have the greatest impact possible.”

Hannah Broos (she/her)
University of Miami
Internship Site: McLean Hospital

“I am incredibly grateful to receive the National Register Internship Travel Scholarship. The financial burden of graduate school and internship is significant, especially given the substantial increases in cost of living expenses over the past few years. As I am moving over 1,500 miles for internship, the cost of moving is considerable. Receiving funding support from the National Register Internship Travel Scholarship has been immensely helpful for my upcoming move. This funding has relieved considerable financial pressure and has allowed me to focus on continuing my training as a health service psychologist during my internship year.”

Eleni Ahmahra Kapoulea (she/her)
University of Massachusetts Amherst
Internship Site: Veterans Affairs Maryland Health Care System/University of Maryland School of Medicine

“Moving for the predoctoral internship is essential to help me prepare for my future career as a board-certified clinical neuropsychologist. The funds from the APF/National Register Internship Travel Scholarship are critical to help me offset the costs associated with moving to continue with my training.”

Alice Mullin (she/her)
University of California, Santa Barbara
Internship Site: VAMHCS/UM-SOM Psychology Internship Consortium

“Having these funds to support my moving costs will allow me to spend less time worrying about my financial situation and more time focused on developing and honing my skills during my internship year. I am very grateful!”

Bek Urban (they/them)
Oklahoma State University
Internship Site: Virginia Commonwealth University – University Counseling Services

Jacq Strowd (she/her)
The University of Southern Mississippi
Internship Site: Medical College of Georgia Charlie Norwood VA Medical Center

Monica Martinez (she/ella)
Brigham Young University
Internship Site: Nemours Children’s Health, Delaware

“Moving across the country is already hard, but moving with a newborn is daunting. This award will help me focus on the important things: my family and my internship training to be a pediatric psychologist!”

Yuxuan Zhao (they/she)
University of Arkansas
Internship Site: University of Maryland Counseling Center Doctoral Internship In Health Service Psychology

“This funding will greatly help with my relocation across the country, from the southwest to the northeast, moving myself closer to great weather and my career goals. I sincerely appreciate this opportunity.”

Taylor Perry (she/her)
University at Albany, State University of New York
Internship Site: University of Mississippi Medical Center

“Having to relocate for internship does create a financial burden, and this scholarship will cover my travel cost of relocating which allows me to not have to take out a loan!”