APF: Psychology and Philanthropy
We leverage the power of philanthropy to advance psychological knowledge by investing in innovative research and applications that prioritize people and their wellbeing.
We leverage the power of philanthropy to advance psychological knowledge by investing in innovative research and applications that prioritize people and their wellbeing.
Direct Action Visionary Grants
Henry P. David Grant for Research in Human Reproductive Behavior & Population Studies
Henry P. David Grant for International Travel in Human Reproductive Behavior and Population Studies
Dr. Christine Blasey Ford Grant
Trauma Psychology Grant
Esther Katz Rosen Fund Grants
Log on or create an account to apply for APF funding.
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It is with great sorrow and appreciation that APF honors the memory of William E. Cross Jr., PhD. Dr. William Cross received the 2020 APF …
Read MoreThe APF Team sat down for a conversation with Dr. Linda Richardson, who is co-founder with Dr. Rodney L. Lowman, of the Richardson Lowman Serious Mental Illness Research Grant, about her motivations for investing in APF and her vision for advancing SMI research.
Read MoreAmerican Psychological Foundation Announces New Direct Action Visionary Grants to Bring Psychology Directly to CommunitiesDirect Action will support psychologists and community organizations to provide evidence-based …
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