Funding Opportunities
Elizabeth Munsterberg Koppitz Child Psychology Graduate Student Fellowship
The Elizabeth Munsterberg Koppitz Fellowship program supports graduate research projects and scholarships in child psychology.
This program is no longer accepting applications for the 2025 program year.
The Elizabeth Munsterberg Koppitz Fellowship program supports graduate research projects and scholarships in child psychology.
Program Goals:
- nurture excellent young scholars for careers in areas of psychology, such as child-clinical, pediatric, school, educational and developmental psychopathology
- support scholarly work contributing to the advancement of knowledge in these areas
APF encourages applicants from diverse backgrounds with respect to age, race, color, religion, creed, nationality, ability, sexual orientation, gender, and geography.
Applicants must:
- have completed doctoral candidacy at the time of application (documentation required)
- have demonstrated research competence and area commitment
Application Instructions
Application Requirements:
- dissertation project abstract
- project timeline
- project proposal
- detailed budget and justification
- abbreviated CV
- two letters of recommendation (one from a graduate advisor and the other from the department chair or director of graduate studies)
Funding Specifics:
- support for the 2025-2026 academic year only
- only one application accepted from any one institution in any given year
- tuition waiver/coverage from home institution
Evaluation Criteria
Applications will be evaluated on:
- conformance with stated program goals
- magnitude of incremental contribution
- quality of proposed work
- applicant’s demonstrated scholarship and research competence
Please be advised that APF does not provide feedback to applicants on their proposals.
Please review our Program FAQs for important details on the application process.

Recent Recipient
Kinjal Patel
Old Dominion University
“Examining mechanisms linking sleep problems to suicide risk in adolescents: A real-time monitoring study”
Past Recipients
Seokyung Kim, University of Minnesota Twin Cities
“Breaking Behavior Inertia: Improving Adaptive Persistence in Young Children through Reflection Scaffolding”
Elizabeth Kitt, Yale University
“The Role of Parental Modulation of Fear Regulation in Childhood Anxiety: Translating Developmental Neuroscience into Clinical Practice”
Shea Ferguson, University of South Carolina
“Bridging Theory and Practice: Assessing Teachers’ Readiness to Enact the Science of Learning and Development to Support Whole Child Development”
Amanda Bennet, University of Florida
“Development and Feasibility Testing of MyWeb: A Social Support Digital Mapping Tool for Youth in Foster Care”
Kinjal Patel, Old Dominion University
“Examining mechanisms linking sleep problems to suicide risk in adolescents: A real-time monitoring study”
Ami Ikeda, Emory University
“Prenatal Cannabis: Effects on Developmental Milestones, Disinhibition, and Substance Initiation.”
Brianna Turney Ricker, Texas Tech University
“Investigating a Brief Positive Parenting Seminar Series as a Universal Preventative Intervention.”
Deborah Han, University of Denver
“Maternal predictability as a protective factor for children’s stress physiology and emotional/behavioral problems.”
Tiffany Leung, University of Miami
“Improving Child Health: Measurement and Malleability of Children’s Sick Face Perception.”
Cabell Williams, University of Virginia
“Bio-behavioral correlates of social tactile processing in infancy.”
Ashley Eng, University of Kentucky
“Ovarian Hormone Effects on ADHD Symptoms and Impairment Across the Menstrual Cycle in Adolescents”
Elana Israel, Binghamton University
“Reward Processing and Real-World Affect Reactivity Among Adolescents at Risk for Major Depressive Disorder”
Rongzhi Liu, University of California, Berkeley
“Changing Children’s Intergroup Biases and Social Stereotypes Through Statistically Representative Counterevidence”
Raquel Rose, New York University
“ROSES in the Educational Margins: Analyzing the Impact of Stakeholder Perceptions and Unmet Resource Needs on School Pushout and Sense or Safety for Black and Latine Girls”
Yuerui Wu, University of California, Davis
“Children’s Memory for Interactions with Familiar Adults: Parenting and Behavioral Adjustment”
Kristina Conroy, Florida International University
“What would it take to bring culturally and contextually responsive, evidence-based practices for youth anxiety into the classroom? A mixed-methods examination of teacher perceptions?”
Jorge Cuartas, Harvard University
“Corporal Punishment and Child Development in Low- and- Middle- Income Countries”
Tawny Spinelli, Northwestern University
“Involuntary termination of parental rights (TPR): When permanently severing parents’ legal relationship is not in the best interest of foster children”
Michelle Vardanian, New York University
“Assessing the disparities in access to telehealth services by families during the COVID-19 era: Exploring the environment of treatment access and determining the feasibility of telehealth for children in need”
Raha Hassan, McMaster University
Karissa Leduc, McGill University
Brooke McKenna, Emory University
Michelle Menezes, University of Virginia
Kelly Rea, University of Georgia
Emily Cohodes, Yale University
Owen Schochet, Georgetown University (Honorary Recipient)
Brittany Jamieson, Ryerson University
Tommy Ho-Yee Ng, Temple University
Kristie Poole, McMaster University
Lucy Sobey King, Stanford University
Kayla Finch, Boston University
Cassandra Lei Hendrix, Emory University
Lindsay Huffhines, University of Kansas
Michelle VanTieghem, Columbia University
Marika Coffman, Virginia Tech
Jennifer Lavoie, McGill University
Meghan Puglia, University of Virginia
Nicole Wen, The University of Texas at Austin
Kristene Cheung, University of Manitoba
Jacob Holzman, Northern Illinois University
John Cooley, University of Kansas
Daphne Henry, University of Pittsburgh
Grace Min, Boston University
Alexandra Rodman, Harvard University
Mark Burton, Case Western Reserve University
Amy Peters, University of Illinois at Chicago
Spencer Evans, University of Kansas
Jessica Harding, New York University
Anna Markowitz, Georgetown University
Catalina Perez, The Catholic University of America
Jessica Schleider, Harvard University
Shelbie Sutherland, University of Illinois
Meghan McCormick, New York University
Caren Walker, University of California, Berkeley
Katie Burkhouse, Binghamton University
Joy Gabrielli, University of Kansas
Sarah O’Dor, Northwestern University
Alissa Jerud, University of Washington
Sarah Thomas, University of Maryland College Park
Kathleen Crum, Florida International University
Dylan Gee, University of California, Los Angeles
Nora Bunford, Ohio University
Dominka Swistun, University of Wisconsin
Ewa Czyz, University of Michigan
Jennifer Lee, University of Georgia
Sharon Wolf, New York University
Audun Dahl, University of California, Berkeley
Julia Englund, University of South Carolina
Nicole Mahrer, Arizona State University
Ana Vanessa Wren, Duke University
Kelly Lynn Mulvey, University of Maryland
Nadia Samad, State University of New York at Stony Brook
Ha Yeon Kim, New York University
Matt Johnson, Princeton University
Natalie Brito, Georgetown University
Taryn Allen, Duke University
Runners Up
Kate Ryan Kuhlman, University of Michigan
Julia Hayden, Harvard University
Aparajita Kuriyan, Florida International University
Alexander Lupis, Long Island University
Jacquelyn Raftery, Clark University
Catherine Tsao, University of California, Los Angeles
Nadia Chernyak, Cornell University
Allison Cunningham, University of California, San Diego
Matthew Lerner, University of Virginia
Sandra Y. Nay McCourt, Duke University
Kelly O’Neil, Temple University
Adriana Weisleder, Stanford University
Kalsea Koss, University of Notre Dame
Nicholas Mian, University of Massachusetts, Boston
Adena Schachner, Harvard University
Claire Cook, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Allison Master, Stanford University
Margaret H. Sibley, State University of New York, Buffalo
Lindsey Bell, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
Diane Chen, Temple University
Melissa George, University of Notre Dame
Cara Kiff, University of Washington
Katherine Lingras, University of Minnesota
Elizabeth Zack, Georgetown University
Brenda , Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
Kathleen Corriveau, Harvard University
Johanna Carpenter, Temple University
Matthew Morris, Vanderbilt University
Elizabeth Davis, University of California, Irvine
Elizabeth Bonawitz, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Jessica Cicchino, Carnegie Mellon University
Erin Godfrey, New York University
Carrie Masten, University of California, Los Angeles
Jody Nicholson, University of Notre Dame
Travel stipends
Nancy F. Bandstra, Dalhousie University
Wendy Gray, University of Florida
Jennifer Lindwall, University of Wisconsin
Rebecca Savoy Siegel, University of Miami
Joey Trampush, Queens College, City University of New York Graduate Center
Andrea Goldschmidt, Washington University, St. Louis
Kimberly Guion, University of Alabama, Birmingham
Kristen Lyons, University of California, David
Patricia Z. Tan, Pennsylvania State University
Lisa D. Wiggins, Georgia State University
Jessica Cantlon, Duke University
Andrei Cimpian, Stanford University
Benjamin Mullin, University of California, Berkeley
Abigail Judge, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
Sarah Serrano, University of Southern California
Travel stipends
Cristina Legare, University of Michigan
Chrystyna Kouros, University of Notre Dame
Donna Kreher, University of Massachusetts
Leanne Beaudoin, University of Chicago
Lori Hilt, Yale University
Matthew Hocking, University of Alabama
Michael Morrow, University of Delaware
Nicole Evangelista, Ohio University
Paola Castelli, University of California, Davis
Sonya Mathies Dinizulu, DePaul University
Natalie Costa, University of New Orleans
Warren Jones, Yale University
Brian Wymbs, State University of New York, Buffalo
Travel stipends
Russell Carleton, DePaul University
Vanessa Simmering, University of Iowa
Ryan Beveridge, University of Utah
Sujin Yang, Cornell University
Anne Shaffer, University of Minnesota
David A. Beaulieu, University of California, Santa Barbara
Andrew Terranova Jr., University of New Orleans
Kseniya Yershova, University of California, Berkeley
Travel stipends
Melanie A. Dirks, Yale University
Yarrow C. Dunham, Harvard University
Laura A. Feagans, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
Jessica S. Horst, University of Iowa
Nicole R. Nugent, Kent State University
Jeffrey Robert Gagne, Boston University
Anna Gassman-Pines, New York University
Jamilia Blake, University of Georgia
Travel stipends
Anil Chacko, University at Buffalo
Jennifer A. DiCorcia, Tufts University
Rebecca E. Ford, DePaul University
Angela M. Griffin, University of Texas, Austin
Erica M. Brandling-Bennett, Washington University, St. Louis
Annalise L. Caron, Vanderbilt University
Ingrid M. Cordon, University of California, Davis
Travel stipends
Camila Fernandez, New York University
Cindy Polak, University of Maryland
Greta L. Doctoroff, University of Massachusetts
Nicole McNeil, University of Wisconsin, Madison
Jacqueline G. Rea, University of Denver