Funding Opportunities
Dr. Christine Blasey Ford Grant
The Dr. Christine Blasey Ford Grant will support graduate students and early career researchers conducting innovative work focusing on the understanding, prevention and/or treatment of the consequences of exposure to traumatic events such as sexual assault, sexual harassment and/or rape.
The Dr. Christine Blasey Ford Grant will support graduate students and early career researchers conducting innovative work focusing on the understanding, prevention and/or treatment of the consequences of exposure to traumatic events such as sexual assault, sexual harassment and/or rape.
This grant is sponsored by APA Division 56: Division of Trauma Psychology.
APF encourages applicants from diverse backgrounds with respect to age, race, color, religion, creed, nationality, ability, sexual orientation, gender, and geography.
Applicants must:
- be a graduate student or early career psychologist (a doctoral-level psychologist who is no more than 10 years postdoctoral)
- be affiliated with nonprofit charitable, educational and scientific institutions, or governmental entities operating exclusively for charitable and educational purposes
- have a demonstrated knowledge of trauma and trauma research
- have demonstrated competence and capacity to execute the proposed work
Application Instructions
Application Materials:
- project proposal
- project timeline
- detailed budget and justification
- CV
Evaluation Criteria
Applications will be evaluated on:
- quality, viability, and potential impact of the proposed project
- originality, innovation, and contribution to the field of trauma
- applicant’s demonstrated competence and capability to execute the proposed work
Please be advised that APF does not provide feedback to applicants on their proposals.
Please review our program FAQs for important details on the application process.
Recent Recipient
Meredith Blackwell
University of New Mexico
“Measurement of Sexual Violence among Refugee and Forcibly Displaced Women in the United States”
Past Recipients
Emma PeConga, University of Washington
“Memory and the #MeToo Movement: Understanding Cognitive Mechanisms of Risk for Post-Traumatic Psychopathology Following Sexual Assault.”
Meredith Blackwell, University of New Mexico
“Measurement of Sexual Violence among Refugee and Forcibly Displaced Women in the United States”
Allison Elisabeth Cipriano, University of Nebraska- Lincoln
“A qualitative examination of bipositivity as a protective factor among transgender and cisgender plurisexual women survivors of sexual violence”
Emily Helminen, Syracuse University
Victoria Mauer, PhD, University of Nebraska-Lincoln