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Foundation Society

APF exists today due to the generosity and dedication of our Foundation Society partners. Through substantial contributions to the Foundation, these individuals have enabled APF to fund research that improves lives. Our 90+ programs, millions of dollars awarded, and hundreds of psychologists supported are a clear representation of the tangible impact of our Foundation Society partners. Being part of the Foundation Society is a symbol of distinction and gratitude.  

All individuals who achieved Major Donor status under our previous structure ($10,000 cumulative lifetime giving) before December 31, 2023, have been inducted into the Foundation Society.

Below are those individuals who have chosen to be recognized publicly for their contributions.

Visit the APF Donor Hub for more details

Ronald T. Brown, PhD

Ronald T. Brown is Professor and Dean of the School of Integrated Health Sciences at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas. He received his baccalaureate degree from Emory University and his doctoral degree from Georgia State University. He also has received training at the Harvard Institutes for Leadership training for Presidents, Senior Level Administrators and in the area of crisis management. Ron has served as a President, Provost and Executive Vice President of Academic Affairs, a Dean and Professor at four research universities. He also has served on numerous national committees and task forces including a recent appointment to the Board of Scientific Affairs of the American Psychological Association, Task Force on Promotion and Tenure Guidelines for Minority faculty. He has served as the President of the Society of Pediatric Psychology of the American Psychological Association and the Association of Psychologists of Academic Health Centers. He has published over 300 journal articles and book chapters and 12 books, two of which are second editions. He has raised over 40 million dollars in philanthropy and external grant revenue. Dr. Brown has served as the editor of three major journals in the fields of pediatric and clinical psychology and served on the Behavioral Medicine Interventions and Outcomes study section of the National Institutes of Health.

Y. Barry Chung, PhD

A native of Hong Kong, Y. Barry Chung received his A.M. and Ph.D. in counseling psychology from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, and his B.A. in educational psychology and counseling from the National Taiwan Normal University. Prior to his current appointment as Dean of the College of Education at San Diego State University, he was Associate Dean for Graduate Studies in the School of Education at Indiana University Bloomington. He also served as Department Chair at Northeastern University, and Professor and Program Director at Georgia State University. Dr. Chung’s research interests include career development, multicultural counseling, and sexual orientation issues. He was appointed to 10 journal editorial boards, and was Executive Editor of the American Psychological Association (APA) Division 44 Book Series. Dr. Chung was President of the National Career Development Association, Society of Counseling Psychology, and Council of Counseling Psychology Training Programs. He also served on APA’s Board of Educational Affairs, Board for the Advancement of Psychology in the Public Interest, Membership Board, Council of Representatives, Finance Committee, and Policy and Planning Board. Dr. Chung is a Fellow of APA (Divisions 17, 44, 45, and 52), Asian American Psychological Association, American Counseling Association, and National Career Development Association.

Stewart Cooper, PhD, ABPP

As a member of the APA Board of Directors (where I was a liaison to APF) and a member or Chair of several APA Boards and Committee, I have a deep interest in and understanding of the Association and its workings. I believe that the knowledge and skills foundation of APA and its members can be a source of great positive change in this world. The support APF has provided to numerous scholars has been invaluable to funding their projects. Occupationally, for the past few decades I was Director of Counseling Services and Professor of Psychology teaching in a master’s level graduate psychology program at Valparaiso University, a small university located in NW Indiana near Chicago. I am currently a Research Professor with the University working remotely from Tucson Arizona. Separately, I am the sole proprietor of Life Enrichment Associates, a combined health service and applied psychology practice. I have published five books, several book chapters, and close to 100 articles in refereed journals.

Oliva M. Espín, PhD

Oliva M. Espín is Professor Emerita in the Department of Women’s Studies at San Diego State University and the California School of Professional Psychology of Alliant International University. Dr. Espín was a pioneer in the practice and theory of feminist therapy with women from different cultural backgrounds, particularly immigrants and refugees. A native of Cuba, she received her BA in Psychology from the University of Costa Rica and her PhD from the University of Florida. She did post-doctoral work at Harvard University with a fellowship from NIMH. Dr. Espín held the 2010 Fulbright Distinguished Chair in Gender Studies at the University of Klagenfurt, Austria. She recently published Gendered Journeys: Women, Migration, and Feminist Psychology and Women, Sainthood, and Power: A Feminist Psychology of Cultural Constructions. Her most recent book is My Native Land is Memory: Stories of a Cuban Childhood, winner of the 2021 San Diego Book Award.

Steven E. James, PhD

Steve and his husband Todd recently moved to New Hampshire to prepare for retirement. Steve has returned to the faculty of Goddard College's Psychology & CMHC program half-time after serving the college in a variety of administrative positions, including Acting President, Provost, and Dean. Steve has begun to volunteer locally for the New Hampshire Center for Nonprofits, as a Mentor to aspiring Board members, and for the Unitarian Universalist church. He is a member of the Division 44 Past Presidents group. He remains an active member of the Dartmouth College Alumni Association. Recent travels to Switzerland and France have renewed his interest in gardening, which was one of his jobs with the Peace Corps in Benin, West Africa. Steve and Todd are proud of their adult children and have begun to create new family traditions in the mountains of New Hampshire. Steve encourages everyone to contribute to the important work of APA.

Kimberlyn Leary, PhD, MPA

Kimberlyn Leary is the executive vice president at the Urban Institute. Dr. Leary is also an associate professor of psychology at the Harvard Medical School/McLean Hospital and an associate professor in the department of health policy and management at the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health. Additionally, she is a Senior Fellow at the Bloomberg Center for Cities at Harvard University where co-directs leadership programs for new mayors, government officials, and senior executives. Previously, Leary served as a senior policy advisor to the Biden White House on the Domestic Policy Council and as a senior equity fellow at the Office of Management and Budget. She also served as an advisor to the Obama White House Council on Women and Girls.

Olivia Moorehead-Slaughter, PhD

Olivia Moorehead-Slaughter, PhD is a child clinical psychologist with over 35 years of experience. For 26 years, Dr. Moorehead-Slaughter has been the Psychologist at The Park School (Pre-K through 8th) in Brookline, Massachusetts. Since 2004, she has been a faculty member of the Center for Multicultural Training in Psychology (CMTP), an APA accredited predoctoral internship program at Boston Medical Center and Boston University Chobanian and Avedesian School of Medicine where she is a Clinical Associate Professor of Psychiatry. Dr. Moorehead-Slaughter is the former Chair of the Massachusetts Board of Licensure for Psychologists, the American Psychological Association (APA) Ethics Committee, and the APA Board for the Advancement of Psychology in the Public Interest (BAPPI). She is a former member of the APA Board of Educational Affairs (BEA). She is Past President of APA’s Division 35 (The Society for the Psychology of Women) and received the Division’s Bonnie A. Strickland and Jessica Henderson Daniel Distinguished Mentoring Award (2014) and Foremothers Mentorship Career Excellence Award (2019). In 2024, she received a National Multicultural Conference and Summit (NMCS) Distinguished Elder Award. She was elected to serve on APA’s Council of Representatives from 2021-2024, and served as Chair of COR’s Women’s Caucus (2023).

David G. Myers, PhD

Hope College social psychologist David G. Myers is a communicator of psychological science to college students and the general public. His scientific writings, supported by National Science Foundation fellowships and grants, appeared in three dozen academic periodicals. He has also digested psychological research for the public through articles in four dozen magazines, and through eighteen books, including general interest books and textbooks. All royalties from his introductory psychology texts and recent trade books are assigned to the David and Carol Myers Foundation. The Myers Foundation’s grants to APF have created an endowment fund that supports, and is administered by, Teachers of Psychology in Secondary Schools, and a fund that supports the development of psychological science and scientists in low-income, transitional, and developing countries.

Ronald H. Rozensky, PhD, ABPP

Ronald H. Rozensky, PhD, ABPP, Professor Emeritus, Department of Clinical and Health Psychology, University of Florida, where he served as department chair then Associate Dean for International Programs. He is board certified in Clinical and Clinical Health Psychology [ABPP] and founding editor of the Journal of Clinical Psychology in Medical Settings. He chaired APA’s Boards of Professional Affairs, Educational Affairs, and Policy & Planning, the Commission on the Recognition of Specialties in Professional Psychology, and served on APA’s Board of Directors and Council of Representatives. He chaired the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services’ Advisory Committee on Interdisciplinary, Community-Based Linkages providing recommendations to Congress on healthcare reform and interprofessional education and health behaviors in integrated healthcare. He was an invited participant— Carter Center’s Primary Care/Behavioral Health Summit. He published five textbooks, numerous book chapters, and peer-reviewed journal articles on health, health-policy, and graduate education. APA awards: Fowler Award for Outstanding Member Contributions to APA, Presidential Citation for “advocacy on behalf of psychology’s contributions to health care,” Awards for Distinguished Career Contribution to Education & Training and for Distinguished Professional Contributions to Institutional Practice, and APA’s two advocacy awards, Heiser Award for Professional Practice Advocacy and Belar Award for Education Advocacy.

Melba Vasquez, PhD, ABPP

Melba Vasquez, PhD, ABPP is a psychologist in part-time Independent Practice in Austin, TX. A former president of APA, she is currently President of APF, and serves as Parliamentarian for APA President Cynthia de las Fuentes.

Susan K. Whitbourne, PhD, ABPP

Susan Krauss Whitbourne is Professor Emerita in the Department of Psychological and Brain Sciences at the University of Massachusetts at Amherst and Faculty Fellow and Adjunct Professor in Gerontology at the University of Massachusetts Boston. She received her BA in Psychology from SUNY Buffalo and Ph.D from Columbia University. President of the Geropsychology Board of ABPP, she is also on APA’s Committee on Aging. Author of 20 books, including textbooks in the psychology of aging and abnormal psychology, she has published 200 journal articles and chapters. Her current research focuses on personality development in middle and later adulthood, and she is a Co-PI of an RRF-funded national study on age inclusivity in higher education. Frequently represented in the media, she writes a popular blog for Psychology Today, translating academic research in psychology for the public. Donations from her textbook royalties are used to support the K. Warner Schaie Memorial Fund for Adult Development and Aging, for which she was a founding contributor with APA Division 20.