Give Now!
The easiest way to support APF is by making your gift online.
Checks should be made out to the American Psychological Foundation and mailed to:
American Psychological Foundation
750 First Street, NE
Washington, DC 20002
Giving Through Your IRA
Individuals who are 70½ or older can transfer up to $100,000 per year from individual retirement accounts (IRA) directly to charitable organizations without having to pay tax on the distribution.
Stock Gifts
Contributing long-term appreciated securities can help you achieve your philanthropic goals and often can provide special tax savings.
Gifts of Royalties
Ask your publisher to send your royalties directly to APF.
Matching Gifts
Check with your employer to see if they have a Matching Gifts Program—if they do, you may be able to double or even triple your gift to APF. Please complete the necessary paperwork from your employer and forward it to philanthropy@ampsychfdn.org, and we will process the matching gift.
Why APF?
Recipient Spotlight
APF disburses over $1 million annually to more than 200 recipients. These incredible psychologists and graduate students represent cutting edge research in the field of psychology. Keep an eye on our homepage for highlights of recent recipients, and stay tuned for more in-depth profiles on program recipients in the APF blog.
Leave a Legacy
The APF Legacy Club honors individuals who have generously remembered APF in their estate planning. The investment of these dedicated partners ensures APF can continue to impact the future of psychology through vital funding and support for the next generation of academics and clinicians.
There are a variety of ways to include APF in your legacy planning and we are happy to work with you to fulfill your wishes.
Start a Fund
Donors with an interest in a particular topic area may choose to establish a restricted fund with APF. Restricted donations have a minimum donation amount and require a formal agreement outlining the purpose, administration, and management of the fund. The Board of Trustees has sole fiduciary responsibility for all APF funds.